Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Keeping the Stride...

Since the start of this blog, my book is up over $21,000 for an 84% gain. If you don't count the kind of lucky profits I had earlier this year, so from June onward, I'm up over $7,000 for a 35% gain.

I prefer the latter stats because that has been accomplished without the risk (in terms of position size relative to capital) that I was taking before. I've managed to trade better with less capital!

Options are a phenomenal trading tool for the little guy, if he understands the risks and controls them. If anything, I've proven that many times over. How much are stocks up this year? 8 or 10%? I've tripled that in less than 5 months. 

Don't get me wrong, investing still has its perks. For example, you can't take an income from your trading account. But I've got a whole other strategy for investing, which isn't in the name of this blog!

It really is unfortunate that many retail players in the options game have no f@$%ing clue what they're doing. I can't tell you how many times I head over to StockTwits and see utter nonsense thrown about. Nobody takes the time to learn how to do it the right way. I'm no expert, but I don't prance around social media pretending to be one either!

I've been learning by studying the veterans and by trial and error for over two years now. I've had my ass handed to me many times over that time; right when I thought I was really getting it... I would take a big loss because of an unforeseen mistake.

This blog is still intended for really only me; a place where I can jot down my thoughts and processes to refer back to in the future. But, it goes a long way in showing how if you take the time to learn, these little derivatives can make you a fortune.

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